Salah satu pembicaraan yang menarik adalah ketika Prof Geoffrey Crouch dari La Trobe University Melbourne Australia berbincang mengenai keadaan pariwisata dunia saat ini. Wawancara ini dilaksanakan sebelum presentasi menariknya mengenai Tourism Customer Choice Modelling yang memberikan contoh pada Space Tourism pada Asia Tourism Forum 2012 di Hualien Taiwan.
Prof Crouch, sebelum di La Trobe University, berkarir di the World Tourism Education and Research Centre di University of Calgary, Canada, dan the Graduate School of Management at Monash University, Australia. Beberapa penghargaan yang pernah diterimanya adalah the 1997 Dean's Award for Outstanding Research Achievement di the University of Calgary, the 1994 Best Article Award for the Journal of Travel Research, dan the 1993 Best Paper Designation pada saat the 48th Annual Conference of the Council for Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (CHRIE). Selain banyak artikelnya yang diterbitkan oleh jurnal Tourism Analysis, Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Management dan Annals of Tourism Research, Prof Crouch adalah co-author dari buku The Competitive Destination: A Sustainable Tourism Perspective.
Berikut adalah petikan wawancara dengan Prof Geoffrey Crouch :
W: What do you think about tourism today?
G: Well, tourism is an industry that is forever changing, it circlely grown a great deal since modern tourism began last century after the second world war, so the number of the big spended considerably but there are numbers of challenges facing the tourism industry today, of course there are always economic challenges even now then we had the global financial crisis, political uncertainty, bird flu, sars, and terrorism so there are some health concern too. The tourism industry needs to be able to adjust of those such a shocking condition. Like what the speakers addressed on this morning's conference (red:ATF2010 morning sessions), the whole challenges about sustanaible tourism will take a great part in the future, particularly the impact of the climate change which will not only drive the negatif but also the positif impact of it.
W: what kind of tourism that its going to 'boom' in the next near future?
G: well, supposed if we can predict that with much certainty we can start up a business tomorrow..hahaha..its always difficult to know how consumer change in the of my research and i've a little bit of work for quite a while is about space tourism and the future about it. As you know that only small portion of people who has the money to engage such thing, a few people who are extremely rich. Its like civil aviation that grew on the 20th century that only some rich can afford. Actually cost is not the main issue but safety, cost of energy, pollution climate will certainly a great challenge in the future of space tourism.
W: Today, after the global financial crisis, new wave tourism as a new source of tourism is coming, I do believe that this group of people can be anticipated with a new form of product, with more participation and involvement on the product. Comments?
G: Look, in the early of modern tourism, we saw a form of mass tourism, interestingly people today are willing to be more engage with the local culture and so the question about authenticity and originality are becoming more and more important. This is going to a trend.
W: Prof Kaye Chon of HongKong PolyU mentioning once about how Asian Wave is undertaking. What do you think about this statement?
G: of the significant development in the world of tourism in the last 40-50 years is the economy improvement of the pasific rims' countries. If you go back to the 1950s the main countries that generated tourist were the wealthy european countries and certainly today the main will be Japan and the other Asian countries will be more afford to travel because of their economic improvement. So Asian now becoming not only destinations but also generating areas. Its a big market or tourism in the world. so Asia is going to source major of generating countries.
W: Thank you Geoff, I hope I'll see you again in Bandung in 2012.
G: Oh yeahh..I certainly hope so..looking forward to it.
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